Power Puff

Pre Ordering is closed for the season. We have thousands of roses in stock. Inventory changes daily and is not reflected on this site.

New from - 2024!

Wow, packed with petals and fragrance. Electric pink blossoms cover this powerful plant in clusters of 6–8 blooms per stem. Its rounded buds are reminiscent of peonies, as are its numerous petals. Moderate lemongrass fragrance. Grows into a lush looking plant, great for garden or larger containers. Wonderful for cutting.

Pre order for spring 2024, 3 gallon pot size.

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Roald Dahl
Pre Ordering is closed for the season. We have thousands of roses in stock. Inventory changes daily and is not reflected on this site.
Laguna cl
Pre Ordering is closed for the season. We have thousands of roses in stock. Inventory changes daily and is not reflected on this site.
Diane Loomer
Pre Ordering is closed for the season. We have thousands of roses in stock. Inventory changes daily and is not reflected on this site.
Liv Tyler
Pre Ordering is closed for the season. We have thousands of roses in stock. Inventory changes daily and is not reflected on this site.
Wollerton Old Hall
Pre Ordering is closed for the season. We have thousands of roses in stock. Inventory changes daily and is not reflected on this site.